Vegan bodybuilder Mischa Janiec joins Fitplan with his first program, Busy Body. With only two 60-minute workouts a week, Busy Body is designed for people who want an efficient regimen that fits into their hectic schedules. We asked Mischa about Busy Body, and what we can expect from this highly efficient Fitplan.

Ready to try Busy Body? Start your FREE trial now.

Tell us about the Busy Body Fitplan.

Busy Body is a plan for busy people; people who travel, people who have families, and people who work a lot. People who have a very limited amount of time. Busy Body gives you the premise that you can reach 80% of your success with 20% effort. It’s a very minimalist principle using the scientific background of protein synthesis twice a week.

What are the physical benefits of Busy Body?

Hypertrophy (i.e. muscle growth) and overall look. The plan is definitely built for people who want to look better before anything else. This plan is just about looking as good as humanly possible with the least amount of effort. On top of that it’s a very functional way of building strength with compound moves, bodybuilding, and isolation. People will be able to increase their physical activities around their lives. It promotes core strength, and better mobility. It’s very basic and functional.

What do you like most about Busy Body?

What I like most about the Busy Body plan is you can be flexible. Even if your week looks crazy, you can still make time. You can go [to the gym] on Monday, then Friday again; you can go on Tuesday and then weekends again, you can even have a workout everywhere you go in the world. It’s a really really flexible plan, especially for people like me who travel all year long, it’s basically the biggest asset.

What makes Busy Body different from other plans?

Every exercise in this plan is nailed down to a science. Here we really have a solid, “I-want-to-look-good” plan, with the least amount of effort, so that’s really special in my opinion.

When you feel like giving up, what keeps you going?

The trust in every day. If you own your day you can own your life, and even if it feels like everything goes wrong, the only choice you have is to do the right thing.

Tell us about a challenge and how you overcame it.

A big challenge was my scoliosis. This is how I basically started training and I overcame it by not giving myself the role of the victim. I tried to see it as an advantage and the fire to kill it in the gym, as the serendipity that brought me to the gym. Acknowledge your weaknesses and make them your strengths.

Busy Body by Mischa Janiec

Busy Body Workout Breakdown

With two scientifically-designed workouts a week, Busy Body is meant to maintain your best shape in the least amount of time. With the flexibility to move your days from week to week according to your schedule, this Fitplan takes a no-excuses approach to making fitness a priority in your busy life. The workouts change as the plan progresses to give you optimal results.

Workout 1: Strength Rush

With no time to waste, Strength Rush starts you strong with four supersets, three sets each. This workout hits all of your major muscle groups: legs, chest, shoulders, back, arms, and abs.

Workout 2: Hypertrophy Session

Your second total-body workout of the week hits all the same muscles with different, yet just as challenging, exercises. You’ll do four supersets, three sets each. For the final burn out, you’ll do four sets.

Ready to get started? Try Busy Body for FREE today.
